Let's get real about stretch marks & cellulite
Many people feel insecure about natural imperfections like stretch marks and cellulite, especially when coming in for a boudoir session. However, it's time to shift our mindset and embrace these unique characteristics that make us who we are instead of hiding behind them.
So let’s get real about them! I mean stretch marks are a result of skin stretching due to growth or weight gain, while cellulite is caused by fat deposits beneath the skin's surface. Both are natural, common occurrences and are nothing to be ashamed of. They affect the majority whether you are petite or plus size. So why are we so ashamed?
It's important to learn to love and accept our imperfections instead of trying to hide them. I mean, I understand that it's not always easy, especially since many of us have been been conditioned to think the opposite for years. As women, we tend to be our own harshest critics, and some of us may not be ready to fully embrace our imperfections just yet, we go over these things in our planning process so we can gage where you are at with them. Are you wanting to fully embrace them? Or not quite there yet? I never edit out stretch marks or cellulite as that would be doing the opposite of what I am promoting, however, there are ways that we can soften them during shooting so if you aren’t quite ready to wear them loud and proud that is ok too. I understand that we are all a work in progress.
In our sessions, our goal is to help you change the way you perceive your imperfections. We strive to make you see them as a unique part of your identity. It's important to remember that all women have cellulite, and while some may avoid stretch marks, these things are entirely normal so we all need to start the process of embracing them. Trust me when I say I get it. Coming from someone who looked like someone had drawn all over her arms with a red permanent marker after her first pregnancy, I totally get it. SO that is why I know that the journey will look different for every one of us. After all, we are only given one body, so why not try and love it a little more?
Don't let the fear of showing your stretch marks or cellulite hold you back from wearing what you want, taking on the world, or booking in a session. Embrace these natural imperfections and boost your self-confidence. Let's shift our mindset and focus on self-love, acceptance, and positivity.
Kristy xx